Zeus, Communists Attributed With Greek Gaming Ban


Zeus, Communists Attributed With Greek
Gaming Ban

What kind of Bollocks article is this?
then the Greek Government has right to forbitten the Internet and gaming if articles like this are online and
people copy the electronic games, not buy them!!!

Posted by Ioannis at 09-07-2002 07:36am


I got forbitten once. It hurt and left a mark for days. :(

Posted by AChimp at 09-07-2002 08:51am


great work guys! Ioannis can forbite my ass.

Posted by zaphire at 09-08-2002 12:25pm


Sept 11 2002

Super Mario eats the Greek Flag!

In Greece all videogames have been banned and USA based artist Miltos Manetas , decided to respond to this irrational law with a website called greekstupidity.com
In his website , a flash animation shows the famous Nintendo character Super Mario, eating a Greek flag!
Manetas, 37 who the British newspaper The Guardian has called El Greco of the Geeks ("EL GRECO OF GEEKDOM , THE GUARDIAN, OCT 23-97, ), was the subject of a controversy that occupied the international press this winter because of his on line exhibition whitneybiennial.com ( read related NY Times article : http://www.nytimes.com/2002/03/04/arts/design/04ARTS.html
and an interview by Manetas at Salon.com http://www.salon.com/people/conv/2002/03/21/manetas/ )

The Greek artist, who works with images he appropriates from videogames since 1995, decide to create Greekstupidity.com, after he received an email asking him if he considers himself a political dissident.


Posted by Sushi Matsuda at 09-11-2002 12:47am


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